Holistic career management for thriving workplaces
Happy and healthy employees are simply better employees
At Careers West, we facilitate healthy workplaces by providing a range of health and wellbeing services to help businesses manage their physical and psychosocial risk. Our unique expertise comes from combining Occupational Medicine and Organisational Sociology, an uncommon combination that works!
By 2030 it is predicted that employees will be most motivated by an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that sees the employer care about their wellbeing. Helping your business take better care of your employees is our business.
We provide occupational medicine services, workplace coaching services, employee wellbeing workshops, career management services and administer psychometric assessments.
Investing in your employees' wellbeing not only improves their quality of life but also has a positive impact on your business's productivity, retention rates, and reputation. Let us help you create a healthier, happier workplace. Contact us today for a free discovery call and discuss how our services can help your business grow.
Need to invest in your employees’ wellbeing? This time, try coaching
When businesses want to provide wellbeing services to their employees they usually think to add Employee Assistant Programs (EAP) or psychological support. That’s because little is still known about the effectiveness in providing your staff with coaching. Not everyone wants or needs counselling.
We provide psychosocial coaching as an alternative service to help get your employees back to happy. Coaching is present and future orientated. Employees take stock of where they are at and where they want to be and the coach helps facilitate this. Once you know these two things, finding your way there becomes easier.
Staff performance issues always have an underlying reason—it’s just a matter of identifying what that is
Employee conflict and performance issues can have a big impact on a business. And often, mediation doesn’t always provide a solution.
Our coaching services provide an avenue for your employees to discuss the challenges they face in a safe, supportive space. We work with them to understand the root cause of their situation, and build a path to create a practical way forward.
Together, we help your employees get unstuck—and avoid stalemate situations entirely—while you manage their psychosocial risk, solve business complexities, and create a space for your staff to rebuild their confidence and productivity.
Employee Coaching
We provide a range of coaching services to help create an avenue forward for you and your teams.
Whether it’s identifying and navigating a complex psychosocial issue, managing internal conflict using our 1:1 CINERGY conflict management coaching model, or delivering Career Transition Coaching to minimise the trauma of change and to provide staff with confidence and skills to move on to their next role, we provide bespoke coaching solutions to empower your staff to thrive.
Psychometric assessments
You can’t improve staff performance if you don’t understand how your teams work. Our psychometric assessment tools empower you to understand your employees better, to develop important skills and capabilities, reduce workplace conflict, and nurture and retain top talent.
We work with you to deploy:
• The world-renowned MBTI® personality test, to provide a common lens and language to view and understand behaviours.
• The Saville Suite of assessments, which are some of the most comprehensive and accurate personality questionnaires on the market, designed to help increase organisational and people performance.
Lego Serious Play® Workshops
The Lego Serious Play® Method was developed by The Lego Corporation as a way to tap into the subconscious and support the fast flow of create ideas—and it works. With our own certified Lego Serious Play® instructor, we use this method to facilitate corporate strategy sessions, helping you to uncover unique perspectives, provide a safe space for employees to express their thoughts, and improve your team alignment, all while keeping the hands and minds busy with Lego building blocks.

How To Get Started
Book a free discovery call. We’ll meet with you either over the phone, or via a video call, to discuss your current situation, talk through the process, and advise on the complexity of the situation and number of sessions required.
Identifying your needs. After our initial call, we’ll identify the requirements for you and your employee. But this is important: your employee has to reach out to us, to take the initiative and get buy in to their journey.
Reaching out. Your employee reaches out to us, and we have an initial meeting with them to start the conversation and begin creating a safe space for them to talk.
Coaching commences. After signing an agreement to confirm the tools and techniques we’ll use during our sessions, your employee starts their coaching journey with us.
Reintegration. Your employee is reintegrated back into your business.
Follow-up. We have one final session with all parties to discuss the employee’s journey and begin the work to arrive at the best outcome for everyone.
Careers West was founded in 2013 by our principal, Danielle, as a way to provide unique support to businesses and help manage their psychosocial challenges.
We provide Workplace Coaching & Training and Occupational Medicine services to West Australian businesses—a unique pairing that works. Our uncommon combination of skills and personality traits creates a unique business fingerprint, allowing us to offer bespoke solutions for your physical and psychosocial needs that cover all ends of your employee needs spectrum.
Careers West partners with you to improve employee culture and resolve psychosocial issues that have negatively impacted staff health and wellbeing—and together, we help you achieve happier, more productive workplaces.
Simply, we help make good work.
Who we are
Get in touch today
The first step to building a better work environment for your employees is by reaching out to us. Get in touch to book a FREE discovery call, where we’ll discuss your current situation and how our coaching services and workshops can help create a happier and healthier workplace.